Wednesday, February 25, 2009

25 things, or some shit.

1. I don't often open up about myself
2. I'm a legend in my spare time
3. I love CSI shows
4. I also like Law and Order shows
5. I'm also a fan of Lawyer centric shows, Boston Legal, The Practice
6. I ♥ Trek re-runs
7. I'm learning to play the Ukulele
8. I'm an information-aholic. I google and wiki many things that perk my interest
9. Ending sentences with periods is for bitches
10. I love being in the Navy but I hate being away from home
11. I strive to be excellent to my friends
21. I think I'm dyslexic
13. I hate chatting with people who don't use full words
14. I don't like chatting with people who can't spell
15. I play DnD and enjoy it thoroughly
16. I used to be an admin/admin instructor for the number 1 TF2, COD, CS:S, L4D, INS, DoD:S in the world
17. I miss living in San Diego more than I miss living in Loveland :-(
18. I have no aim or goal in life
19. I'm a horrible procrastinator (I meant to write this a month ago)
20. I've been described as "Yeah you're an asshole, but you're our asshole and we love you for it"
21. I'm shy
22. I ♥ Joss Whedon
23. I try to leave my mark everywhere I go
24. I love/hate myself sometimes
25. I love a good argument
26. BONUS! I always hit space two times after using punctuation. I didn't prior to this sting and it drove me crazy
27. BONUS!! I sing in the car. I've repeated the same song over 20 times, singing it all the while, on my way to some far off destination.
28. Bonus!!! Amtgard for life!