Sunday, October 19, 2008

Amtgard around me.

Pretty much anywhere within 2-3 hours of me is within what I consider an acceptable travel distance. Depending on tournaments and events however, I might be compelled to go farther.

So far out of the places I've been to I liked Eagleshire the most. It's down in Denton, Texas. There's a lot of experience down there and I could learn a lot.

Midnight Rain in Meeker, OK was...Okay. They did class battles all day and generally don't play the flavor of Amtgard that I'm most fond of. I plan on going there every now and again to try and instill in them the love of line fighting. I won't try and change them though, they're already having fun. I'll just try to warp them a 'lil bit so we jive a little better.

Five Banners, Tulsa, OK wasn't bad. I'm told that they usually field about 5-6 more fighters than they had today but that's cool. I showed up just in time for the class battle. I made a pretty immediate impression when I killed half their team and as a legged monk rushed in against their last couple doods. Later in the day we did an Iron Man tourney with retain wounds. I took first in it. I'm sure I would have had more consecutive wins if it weren't for the retention of wounds, but oh well, I still got the W. I'm a little disappointed with myself for how many times I died to a couple of the players. They were throwing shots I wasn't used to and I failed to adequetely adapt. I know the shots now though, and I'll be watching for em.

Met a dude named Sanyo who likes to travel around. I'll probably hit a couple various locations with him over the next year or so, it'll be cool.

I think I did a decent job keeping my hands in the box, and returning there after my shots. I still need to work on my body mechanics as a whole however. I'm using MC sticks now and my old style of throwing my shots using my shoulder on down tires me out quickly.
I need to work on my power generation and transfer as well as my footwork.
I need to stop fighting with my shield so much so I can develop my lefty shots.
Picture Unrelated.

Restructuring the format

I'm restructuring, meaning I'm tossing structure to the wind. Fuck it. Structure and a schedule was holding me back from just typing at will, and that's not what I'm after here.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Procrastination, it makes me want to punch babies.

I don't know why I do it. But it seems that everytime I have to meet some deadline that involves me packing my things, or moving I always put it off to the last moment. I've known that I was moving for months. Yet I didn't finally start getting things in order until this week. It's the same deal when I go on leave. I stay up all night and pack all my shit in the morning in a mad rush to make it on time. It might be me trying to hold on to what I have. Not letting go until the last possible moment. I could be that I'm an immature prole who shuns the responsibility entailed in running ones own life. I prefer to believe I just have problems letting go. Well back to packing I go. I'm gonna have to check out with my squadron completely in the morning. As well as turn all my modem and shit into Sprint. Balls... I hate moving.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Dinner is on me. have a little lesson to teach you about restaurant etiquette. Saturday night my friends and I went to 'On The Border' after Amtgard. There were about ten of us and as most of us know large numbers make things hectic for the wait staff. To make things easier on herself our waitress decided to give us a pitcher of Coke. As she was placing the pitcher on the table fate stepped in and the pitcher tipped. Mostly onto the table, and partially onto me. I screamed and I hollered, and sat there quietly and wiped up the mess. The waitress returned with napkins and apologized profusely. I told her it was fine, life happens and not to worry about it. She told me the pitcher was on the house. Free drinks! Booyah! We proceeded to order our food, my friend Nick ordered the same thing I did. When the staff brought out our food I let Nick get his plate first. I'm in no hurry and what's it really matter? Lo and behold our tables' ticket had gotten messed up. I assume the waitress either forgot to mark 2x grilled enchiladas or the chefs didn't see that there were two being ordered. Who knows, the point is my plate was delayed. Our waitress spoke to her boss, and then told me that dinner would be free as well. Free dinner Booyah!!

Moral of the story. If somebody in your party orders the same thing as you, be polite and let them get served first.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Whaaaaa don't think I could ever understand why emos are emos. I'm pretty sure I would want to kick my own ass if I ever came close to adopting that type of mentality. There are people who will sit in a dark room and listen to sad music because so and so said this about that. Or because 'she never called me back' or 'He never paid me back my 10 dollars'. Boo friggen who. Sometimes they don't even really have a reason, they're just 'in a mood'. Christ on a cracker, I was listening to the radio a while back and this chick called in and said something to the tune of "Can you play a sad song? I'm in a sad mood and want to hear a sad song". The appeasing DJ complied and played some 3 minute 23 second long ballad that made me want to go postal. Because little miss cut thighs had a crappy day she decided to subject us to some whiney voiced tight pant wearing metro wearing eye shadow. Picard: WTF is this shit? by image_macro.
"I think somebody is making fun of me... As soon as I find them I'm gonna cry about it"

Then there's an entire genre of mental cases who cut themselves....
How is that going to make anything better? Well my girlfriend dumped me, so I slashed my thigh... I'm feeling meh now though!

I'm gonna end this though, I have to goto bed because my CO is making the command do a formation run tomorrow. I hate formation runs! I'm gonna turn off all my lights, sit in the corner and contemplate what it is to hate the world.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Random Saturday

I've waited for two long years to finally leave this place...
And now that it's upon me I've realized that I've taken a liking to it here. I've acquired a wealth of friends that I'll soon be leaving, never to see most of them again. And I think that makes me hate this state all the more. However now it's not because I have to be here, it's because I can't stay.

I can admit to my follies. And I've recently discovered another. For a very long time I ranted about how Box-Briefs were stupid and how it was a horrible idea and blah blah this and blah blah that. Well friends, I type these words with a heavy heart, and a comfortable unit. Boxer briefs are all right by me. It all happened a couple weeks ago, I wasn't paying attention and I bought both socks that were too small and a five-pack of BB's that I thought were just boxers. Well, I was wrong about them being boxers, but I'm okay with that.

Word you your sandwich.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Mad Mondays

For todays MM I'm gonna talk about losers. Not losers because they're uncool. Losers because they don't try. Specifically this is really going to be about Amtgard. I HATE it when I come up against somebody and they say "Oh crap, it's Arthur". Don't get me wrong, I love what it does for my self esteem. But Jesus Fucking Christ (Wouldn't Jesus fucking Christ be insest?) I makes me mad. It's not that they're saying it, it's why they're saying it. I can understand if I'm running a flank and they say it, as they would if anybody else were running the flank. (Oh god, oh god, Santa is on our flank and he's crushing us with candy canes) But these bums are saying it with defeat on their mind. They're saying it as they're accepting the loss. How can you ever win if every time you come against a foe you prepare to be beaten? I suppose this expands into other areas of life as well. But I only really care about my foam sword game. I see and hear it so often out here that it really bums me out. You can't let people walk all over you in this game. You let somebody know that you're afraid of them and they will walk all over you. All it takes is a well timed foot stomp and I can make 3-4 people jump back from me. All they need do is work together and gank the piss out of me. Instead they Bruce Lee me and I get to kill them one at a time. Try harder motherfuckers, and don't let the fucking boogy man scare you. You look the fucking boogy man in the eye and you say "Hey! Fuck you boogy man! I'm not a-fucking-fraid of you!"

Okay, so that guy is actually kinda scary, but you get my point. Don't let yourself be beaten before the fight even begins.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Photo/Finally Fridays

Whoop! It's Friday!

Got my car registration renewed today, as well as a smog check.
"So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it."

For some silly ass reason the dmv only accepts cash, check, or debit. Apparently the 'red cards' (Navy Federal debit cards) don't seem to work, or so I was told. So what am I to do? I had $50 cash and owed $65. What a conundrum! So I was directed to cross the street and use the Circle K ATM. Oh but of course the ATM doesn't work for me. So I seek out another which happened to be much closer to the DMV. Well by golly it charged me $1.50 to take out money. Fuck you DMV.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Whimsy Wednesdays

I just don't understand. In a system where all non-members are wrong, how should you react to another group with the same rules? If I'm a Christian I'm an infidel. If I'm not a Christian...I'm an infidel. The same rule applies to all faiths. Since one cannot simply be a practitioner of them all what is to come of us? For centuries civilization held many beliefs. Worshiped a plethora of gods. How could it be that all these people were wrong? Why can't their version of God(s) exist? What is it that makes one system, 'The Only System'? If there is to be a divinity in charge of all this commotion down here. He/She has to span multiple faiths. How can we blindly accept one, and carelessly cast the others away?

A couple years back I was visiting the Egypt Exibit at The Field Museum. There were all these displays talking about Egyptian spells. Book of spells this, spells for this ceremony that. It lead me to wonder. What is the difference between a spell of old, and a prayer of present?

From The Book of the Dead
"Praise be to thee, O thou ruler of Amenta, Unneferu, who presides in Abydos. I have come to thee with a pure heart, free from sin. I have told no falsehoods nor acted deceitfully. Give thou me in the tomb the food I need for the journey, so let me have a safe entrance to the underworld and a sure exit."

From The Bible
"Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.

The idea of God is too big for one religion.

Monday, August 4, 2008

So I went running today

My gunny has decided that my workshift is gonna go running twice a week now. Today was the first run. Meh, the run wasn't a challenge. Out of the seven of us running only three of us are in decent shape. So what does that mean? It means the pace was slow and unchallenging. During the run I spotted a Bud lite box that I intended to wear as a hat to lighten the mood and of course, to showboat. To my surprise and joy there was a beer inside! So I donned the box and drank the beer. Ever have beer shoot up your nose? Unpleasant. I'm just happy it was a twist-off, otherwise this story wouldn't be near as cool.


This is a test. I'm posting this to the blog from my phone to see how it works. I feel like I should say something here we go. Fuck you
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Inner Peace Through Outer Violence

Three questions, three answers

  1. What is this for?
  2. Why now?
  3. What is the capital of Norway
  1. This will serve as a spot for me to vent, share, ramble, whatever.
  2. I feel like it.
  3. Oslo.
I'm gonna shoot from the hip and not give a fuck. Because I'm typing this for me, not for you. My language may sometimes be crass, rude, disgusting, omgwtf! I don't care. Take me as I am, or die in a fire. :-)

Mad Mondays

For today's mad monday I'll talk about whiners.

They piss me the fuck off. The same people who complain about too much to do at work turn around and whine about nothing to do. These idiots know there is an ebb and flow of work. Complaining about our load will not change anything in the slightest.

People who complain about the weather/temperature. The "Omg! its so hot/cold" crowd need to go.

Complaining about a situation beyond your control helps nobody. Some people just need to let shit fly. We needn't be apathetic but at the same time we need to have a thicker skin. If only I could hate people to death.... :-)
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