Friday, August 8, 2008

Photo/Finally Fridays

Whoop! It's Friday!

Got my car registration renewed today, as well as a smog check.
"So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it."

For some silly ass reason the dmv only accepts cash, check, or debit. Apparently the 'red cards' (Navy Federal debit cards) don't seem to work, or so I was told. So what am I to do? I had $50 cash and owed $65. What a conundrum! So I was directed to cross the street and use the Circle K ATM. Oh but of course the ATM doesn't work for me. So I seek out another which happened to be much closer to the DMV. Well by golly it charged me $1.50 to take out money. Fuck you DMV.

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