For todays MM I'm gonna talk about losers. Not losers because they're uncool. Losers because they don't try. Specifically this is really going to be about Amtgard. I HATE it when I come up against somebody and they say "Oh crap, it's Arthur". Don't get me wrong, I love what it does for my self esteem. But Jesus Fucking Christ (Wouldn't Jesus fucking Christ be insest?) I makes me mad. It's not that they're saying it, it's why they're saying it. I can understand if I'm running a flank and they say it, as they would if anybody else were running the flank. (Oh god, oh god, Santa is on our flank and he's crushing us with candy canes) But these bums are saying it with defeat on their mind. They're saying it as they're accepting the loss. How can you ever win if every time you come against a foe you prepare to be beaten? I suppose this expands into other areas of life as well. But I only really care about my foam sword game. I see and hear it so often out here that it really bums me out. You can't let people walk all over you in this game. You let somebody know that you're afraid of them and they will walk all over you. All it takes is a well timed foot stomp and I can make 3-4 people jump back from me. All they need do is work together and gank the piss out of me. Instead they Bruce Lee me and I get to kill them one at a time. Try harder motherfuckers, and don't let the fucking boogy man scare you. You look the fucking boogy man in the eye and you say "Hey! Fuck you boogy man! I'm not a-fucking-fraid of you!"
Okay, so that guy is actually kinda scary, but you get my point. Don't let yourself be beaten before the fight even begins.
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